Sunday, November 5, 2023

What is Magnificence about 3 6 9 - Nicola Tesla


  • Nikola Tesla, the greatest mind of all the time and also a man of mysteries, said that if you knew the magnificence of 3, 6 and 9, you would have a key to the universe. So what did he mean by this? Had he found some code of the universe? 

  • In this article we will explaining to you why did Nikola Tesla say this. After reading this information , you will understand how our whole universe is controlled by numbers 3, 6 and 9 and how they are present everywhere in the universe. You will also know how the numbers 3, 6, 9 represent a higher dimensional world while rest of the numbers belong to our three dimensional world. we will also figure out, how number 9 is the controller of all the other numbers and how it can control even space and time. Here we will provide many mathematical and physical evidences and examples to prove how the number 9 is present everywhere and is the controller of all the other numbers and the universe.

  • Keep Reading ..

  •  Our universe is so mathematical. Almost everything in nature is highly symmetrical and follows the geometrical patterns. We can see these patterns in the form of golden ratio and Fibonacci sequence present in many things in the nature.

  •  Everything is made up of particles and if we go deeper at even more microscopic level we reach into the quantum world which is pure mathematics. All the living things in this world are made up of cells. Multicellular organisms are formed by the division of a single cell. A single cell divides into two cells then after division of both the cells we get four cells. Then 8, 16, 32, 64 and 128 cells are produced. In this way the doubling sequence continues and finally we have a full multicellular organism. 

  • Now let's try to understand the sequence mathematically. We can notice here is a sequence of doubling of numbers starting from number 1 like 1, 2, 4, 8 and so on. Here the next number is double of the previous number. Now we will convert all of these numbers into a single digit number. For this, we will add the digits of the number until we get a single digit number. This final single digit is called the digital root of the number. 

  • We understand the digital roots of these numbers. Now observe the digital roots we will understand a repeated sequence of numbers 1, 2, 4, 8, 7, 5. Even if you repeat it up to infinity, the same pattern repeats. Now instead of doubling the numbers, let's half the numbers repeatedly. This time also we will start with number 1. Add all the digits of the number and get the digital root , surprised to see that this time too, we get the same numbers repeatedly that we got in case of doubling the numbers. 

  • So in both the cases of doubling and halfling the numbers we are getting the same numbers 1 2 4 8 7 and 5. 

  • Did you notice one amazing thing here? In both the sequences numbers 3 6 and 9 are missing every time. 

  • Check out the clear video to understand better .

  •  in these diagram, these repeating numbers 1, 2, 4, 8, 7 and 5 are shown in white color  (refer the video Below ) . And the numbers that are missing in the sequence every time, i.e. 3, 6 and 9 are shown by yellow color. But what does the absence of numbers 3, 6 and 9 in the sequence mean? Does it point to any secret code of the God or some mystery of the universe?

  •  According to some researchers, numbers 1, 2, 4, 8, 7 and 5 represent our three-dimensional world where we live in. An absence of numbers 3, 6 and 9 in the sequence means these numbers belong to a higher dimensional world. But what will happen if we double or half the numbers starting from number 3 or 6? Let's double the numbers starting from number 3. On doubling the previous number, we get the next number. Now find the digital roots of the numbers. You will be surprised after seeing the results. We will get only 2 numbers 3 and 6 every time. Notice, all the numbers that were present in the previous sequence are absent this time. And numbers 3 and 6 were completely absent in the previous sequences. Ok, let's do some more maths. This time we will half the numbers repeatedly starting from number 3. Here are the numbers. Now again get the digital roots of the numbers by adding the digits of the number. And here is what we get. Amazing! This time also we get the same numbers 3 and 6. Hence, whether we double or half the numbers, if we start with number 3, we get numbers 3 and 6 only. Even if we double or half the numbers starting from number 6, we will get the same numbers 3 and 6 every time. But surprisingly, even this time, 9 is absent in the sequence. Actually number 9 controls the numbers 3 and 6, and numbers 1, 2, 4 are controlled by number 3 while numbers 8, 7 and 5 are controlled by number 6. In this way number 9 controls all the numbers. You will get incredible results when we start doubling and halving the numbers from number 9. 

  • We are getting number 9 every time. No other number is present in the sequence.

  • Even on adding the digits in the table of 9, we get number 9 only. So we see, whether we double or half the numbers starting from number 9, we always get the number 9 only. It implies that number 9 represents itself. Now let understand  how powerful the number 9 is and how it is present everywhere in the universe. Let's start dividing a circle and see the sum of digits of the resulting angle. As we know that a full circle makes an angle of 360 degrees at its center. If we add the digits of 360, we get number 9. But what will happen if we keep on dividing the circle in half infinitely? The results that you will get will definitely boggle your mind. A semicircle makes an angle of 180 degrees at the center, which again adds up to 9. Now again divide the circle in half and we have an angle of 90 degrees. Find the digital root of the number. It's 9 again. Repeat the same process and we will get 9 as the digital root. Now see what will happen if we keep on dividing the circle in half repeatedly. Unbelievably you will get number 9 as the digital root every time even on repeating the same process us infinite times. But is this true only for a circle or does it apply to polygons also?

  •  Here is a triangle. We know that sum of all the interior angles of a triangle is 180 degrees. On adding the digits of the number we get 9. In case of a rectangle also, if we add the digits of the sum of all the interior angles of a rectangle which is 360 degrees we get number 9. Now we have a pentagon. Sum of all the interior angles of a pentagon is 540 degrees which also adds up to 9. We get the same digital root 9 on repeating the same process for hexagon, heptagon and octagon. If If we keep on increasing the number of sides of the polygon, we will get the same number 9 every time. Did you notice an amazing thing here? When we were dividing the circle in half repeatedly, we were reaching the singularity of space. As every time we got number 9, it means number 9 follows the space up to its singularity. And when we were increasing the number of sides of the polygon, the polygon was looking like a circle. As the number of sides of the polygon approaches infinity, it becomes a circle. As in all the polygons, we got number 9, it means number 9 also follows space up to infinity. So it is clear that number 9 is present from singularity of space to the infinity of space. Now we will give you some more examples that will help you in believing that number 9 exists at all the places in the universe.

  •  Does number 9 has any relationship with time also? Yes, of course. 

  • It proves that number 9 is present everywhere in space and time. This is not all. If we talk about Hindu religion, we will find number 9 at different places. It has been found by the researchers that our universe vibrates at a frequency of 432 Hz. This 432 Hz also reduces to 9.  the frequency at which the universe vibrates.

  • Now I will prove how number 9 represents everything and also nothingness. 9 is same as number 0 in some sense. But how? Let's understand it. In any number, if we replace 0 by 9, then there is no change in the same way we get number 9 as the digital root on multiplying it with number 9, since 0 is same as 9. Let me tell you one more amazing fact about number 9. If we add all the numbers except number 9, that is from number 0 to number 8, the sum reduces to number 9. Hence we can say that number 9 represents all the other numbers. It represents itself and also nothingness and everything. Number 9 is the king of all the numbers that controls all the other numbers and space-time. 

  • Read more informative information stick with us . 

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